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About Me


I am Electronic Engineer from Universidad de Nariño, I have a master's degree in Automation, and a Doctorate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Universidad del Valle. I did a short-term  research at University of Oxford, England, at Mobile Robotics Group MRG in 2016. Mi doctoral tesis was awarded as "Tesis Meritoria".

Actually, I am developing a postdoctoral project sponsored by Fundación CEIBA and supported by UNAD, CCAV Pasto, DAVINCI research group. The title of the project is "Sistema portátil para asistir a personas invidentes en navegación con objetivo en tiempo real usando una cámara RGBD, un dispositivo de procesamiento embebido y realimentación háptica".

Some of the awards and academic recognitions are: Google Research Awards for Latin America LARA 2018, grant holder from Fundación CEIBA for doctoral studies (2015), one of the best papers in LARS-SBR (Latin American Robotics Symposium, 2015), winner of a research competition "Alberto Quijano Guerrero" (Universidad de Nariño, 2007), best secondary school student in academic modality (INEM Pasto, 2003)

My research fields are mobile robotics, computer vision, real time applications, optimization, control process and machine learning.

If you want to know about my academic publications, please click on

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional SNIES 2102 
© Copyright UNAD 2020 

Fundación CEIBA

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© Copyright Andrés Díaz 2020 

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